War Profiteers


WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair
WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair

L'économie est l'une des principales causes de la guerre : partout où il y a un conflit militaire, quelqu'un en tire profit. C'est ce que nous appelons le "profit de guerre".

Le WRI considère le profit de guerre au sens large - nous considérons toutes les entreprises et initiatives qui bénéficient financièrement d'un conflit militaire comme des profiteurs de guerre, dans un sens ou dans l'autre. Cela inclut le commerce des armes et les entreprises qui profitent de la privatisation et de l'externalisation de l'armée, mais aussi celles qui extraient des ressources naturelles dans les zones de conflit, les institutions financières qui investissent dans les entreprises d'armement, et bien d'autres encore.

Le WRI publie une série de profils d'entreprises de guerre et organise des événements pour rassembler les militants et les chercheurs afin qu'ils partagent leurs stratégies de lutte contre le profit de guerre.

In Paris, activists from across Europe joined with French protesters to take action against the Eurosatory arms fair, a biannual event that in 2018 saw over 1,700 arms companies exhibit their products to 57,000 individuals from over 150 countries, including military delegations from across the world.

In Paris, activists from across Europe joined with French protesters to take action against the Eurosatory arms fair, a biannual event that in 2018 saw over 1,700 arms companies exhibit their products to 57,000 individuals from over 150 countries, including military delegations from across the world.

Former South African President Jacob Zuma is scheduled to appear in court on July 27th on 16 charges (and 783 counts) of racketeering, corruption, money laundering and fraud relating to South Africa’s long-running and convoluted arms deal scandal. Long time anti-arms activist Terry Crawford-Browne gives his take on the South African arms trade scandal.

The trial of six ex-employees of German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch has begun in Germany. The six ex-employees are accused of illegally exporting 4,500 assault rifles and other guns to Mexico, where they ended up in states effected by violence subject to a ban by the German state.

After many years of campaigning by local activists, the Sterlite copper plant in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu has been permanently shut down by local officials, days after 13 people were killed by police gun fire, and over 100 injured during protests that turned violent on 23rd May.

A new report from the Transnational Institute exposes the huge impact of the European Union's “border externalisation” policies, the companies that profit, and the huge numbers of people impacted. Expanding the Fortress explores how migration control has become a major part of the EU's foreign relations, with externalisation policies requiring neighbours to “act as Europe's border guards”.

War Profiteers News is WRI's monthly email bulletin about the arms industry and other types of war profiteering. April's edition has just been released, and covers stories about “weapons inspectors” visiting a British missile company, legal proceedings against an Italian arms company and officials response for arms exports licensing, and a profile of a Belgian arms company called CMI Defence.

On Monday 9th April ‘The People’s Weapons Inspectors’ blocked the gates of arms manufacturer Roxel in the UK, and attempted to inspect the site. The inspectors believe that the site is supplying weapons components that could be used by the Saudi Arabian military to commit war crimes against the people of Yemen.

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