War Profiteers


WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair
WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair

L'économie est l'une des principales causes de la guerre : partout où il y a un conflit militaire, quelqu'un en tire profit. C'est ce que nous appelons le "profit de guerre".

Le WRI considère le profit de guerre au sens large - nous considérons toutes les entreprises et initiatives qui bénéficient financièrement d'un conflit militaire comme des profiteurs de guerre, dans un sens ou dans l'autre. Cela inclut le commerce des armes et les entreprises qui profitent de la privatisation et de l'externalisation de l'armée, mais aussi celles qui extraient des ressources naturelles dans les zones de conflit, les institutions financières qui investissent dans les entreprises d'armement, et bien d'autres encore.

Le WRI publie une série de profils d'entreprises de guerre et organise des événements pour rassembler les militants et les chercheurs afin qu'ils partagent leurs stratégies de lutte contre le profit de guerre.

CMI (“Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie”) Defence is a Belgian company, building a wide range of artillery systems for light and medium armoured vehicles, as well as related services and training, including simulation systems, maintenance and repair, and upgrades.

The promotion of peace and human rights is a priority of Swiss foreign policy. But consistency doesn’t seem to be a highly held value in the small Alpine country; not only do Swiss financial institutions - like private and public banks, insurance companies and pension funds - invest billions in arms producing companies all over the world, Swiss-made weapons and military technology are used in many conflicts.

Research released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) shows that over the last five years, India has become the world's biggest importer of arms, accounting for 12% of all arms imports between 2013 and 2017, and a signifant increase (24%) on the previous five years.

Thales is a French company, part owned by the French government, that builds a vast range of radars, sonars and electronic surveillance satellites, tactical communication systems and combat management systems, drones, helicopter avionics, armoured vehicles, mortar systems and missiles.

In London, activists arrested taking nonviolent direct action against the DSEI arms fair have been in court in a series of trials. A large number of the defendants – mainly accused of obstruction of the highway – have been acquitted or had their cases dropped, successfully arguing that they were acting within their human rights to protest peacefully.

Chemring Group is the world's 68th biggest arms company, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The company was formed in 1905, and now employs just under 3,000 people. The companies profits in 2016 came to £8 million before tax.

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