War Profiteers


Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX
Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX

La economía es una de las causas claves de la guerra – en cualquier parte donde haya un conflicto militar, alguien estará sacando provecho. Llamamos a esto “especulación de la guerra”.

La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (IRG) entiende la especulación de la guerra en un sentido amplio – en cierto sentido, consideramos, a todas las empresas e iniciativas que se benefician económicamente del conflicto militar como especuladores de la guerra. Esto incluye el comercio de armas y las empresas que aprovechan la privatización y la subcontratación de servicios militares, pero también las que obtienen recursos naturales en las zonas de conflicto, instituciones financieras que invierten en empresas armamentísticas y muchas otras.

La IRG publica una serie de perfiles de empresas bélicas y organiza actos para reunir a activistas e investigadores con el fin de compartir estrategias contra la especulación bélica.


Placheolder image

This issue of The Broken Rifle focuses on the Campaign Against War Profiteers.This campaign has been developing throughout the past year. The Campaign Against War Profiteers is one of the three main areas of focus for the Nonviolence Programme during this period.

Serco is part of the consortium that runs Aldermaston. Since the company began its involvement with the British nuclear weapons programme, women from the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp(aign) (AWPC) began organising a shareholder campaign.

As Serco Group plc is a huge and rapidly expanding company AWPC had expected their AGM to be a moderately impressive affair: not a bit! Whilst the coffee and apple Danish were pretty classy, and the atmosphere reeks of money, privilege and power, the meetings themselves are very small and short.


War Resisters' International's new project the Global Initiative Against War Profiteers aims to coordinate and promote campaigns against war profiteers. It is inspired by Arundhati Roy's call at the World Social Forum in Mumbai in January 2004 for the movement to focus on major corporations profiteering from the Iraq occupation.

As we remember imprisoned peacemakers, Xabi Agirre Aranburu argues the case for imprisoning those responsible for war crimes as a necessary step in preventing war.

The town of Stolac's position on the front-line had made it an obvious target of Serbian artillery ever since the war In Bosnia begun. One particular morning In the summer of 1992 began with the usual Serbian bombardment. This time, the shells landed, but did not explode.

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