Social Forums


The European Social Forum in Paris in November 2003 stated in its final document: "We march for a Europe that refuses war". At the same time, many European countries - Britain, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, to mention just a few - were contributing troops to the "coalition of the willing" occupying Iraq, and the heads of the European Union were discussing a new "EU constitution", with a heavy military component, which would mark a major milestone in the militarisation of the European Union (see article below).

A Europe that refuses war? Hardly.


Placheolder image

Welcome to the special bilingual edition of "The Broken Rifle" for the European Social Forum. This issue provides information on workshops and seminars of interest to antimilitarists and pacifists, and also additional information on especially relevant issues. The European Social Forum is an important meeting place for movement activists from a wide range of social movements from all over Europe - a unique place to share experience, and to discuss our strategies for another world. We hope it will be an enriching experience.

WRI to coordinate a strong antimilitarist presence and the London European Social Forum

The War Resisters' International Executive Meeting discussed the European Social Forum, which will take place in London in October or November 2004. It was decided that a strong nonviolent and antimilitarist presence at the European Social Forum is desirable.

War Resisters' International needs volunteers to prepare for our presence at the European Social Forum in London, which takes place from 14-17 October 2004. We are looking for up to two volunteers to help us in the four weeks prior to the ESF, and of course also to take part in the ESF (mid-September to 18 October).

What will you be doing?

WRI and some of its European affiliates are mobilising for the ESF - the WRI office offered to coordinate some of these activities, especially to coordinate workshops at the ESF offered by WRI affiliates.

The War Resisters' International Executive Meeting discussed the European Social Forum, which will take place in London in October or November 2004. It was decided that a strong nonviolent and antimilitarist presence at the European Social Forum is desirable. The WRI Executive therefore encourages its European affiliates to mobilise for the ESF, and to offer workshops and seminars - individually and jointly.

“Radical change will not be negotiated by governments; it can only be enforced by people.”

“We have to become the global resistance to the occupation.”
“Our resistance has to begin with a refusal to accept the legitimacy of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. It means acting to make it materially impossible for Empire to achieve its aims. It means soldiers should refuse to fight, reservists should refuse to serve, workers should refuse to load ships and aircraft with weapons.”
“I suggest ...

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