Upcoming events: International Conscientious Objectors Day // Globalising Nonviolence


Operation Refuse War

15 May - International Conscientious Objectors Day

For more information, contact the WRI Office, or check for updates on www.operationrefusewar.org.

Globalising Nonviolence, 23-27 July 2006, Germany

  • Are you interested in both nonviolence and globalisation?
  • Are you campaigning against war?
  • Are you involved in nonviolent direct action or curious to learn more?

The War Resisters' International conference Globalising Nonviolence will be a great opportunity to meet activists from all over the world, to get to know what makes them tick, and to see how you can help each make another world possible. Around the world, a movement of movements is converging. This movement seeks to counterpose the perspective and values of people's power to those of global financial institutions, transnational corporations or governments. This is a movement of globalisation from below.

WRI believes that this movement of movements has a major role to play in this globalisation from below. Hence the theme of our upcoming international conference - Globalising Nonviolence.

Conference discussions will:

  • Analyse the contemporary situation of economic, cultural and political globalisation. How are capitalist globalisation and militarism related?
  • Develop strategies for nonviolent resistance towards the unjust aspects of globalisation. How do we create nonviolent social change?
  • Bring together people from the globalisation critical movement and WRI's network of pacifists and anti-militarists for mutual exchange of ideas on nonviolent opportunities for resistance.
  • Strengthen networks and create new links between activists from all over the world.

More information at www.globalisingnonviolence.org

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