Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga


Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga

CAM logo

Samtök hernaðarandstæðinga campaigns for:

  • Iceland to resign from NATO and refrain from participation in military alliances;
  • Iceland to formally terminate the bilateral defense agreement with The United States of America;
  • No military camps or military exercises either in Iceland or in its sovereign waters;
  • Iceland and its waters to be declared free of any use, traffic or storage of nuclear weapons;
  • Iceland's constitution to uphold that Iceland will never wage war on any nation or support such actions in speech or action.

CAM will fight against any nuclear armament and partake in international peace and disarmament work.

Associated Organisation
Name (translated)
Campaign Against Militarism

Njalsgata 87, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
