Nonviolence and Social Empowerment


WRI Project on Nonviolence and Social Empowerment

WRI began in 1921 as an organisation bringing together people who had the strength to stand against the tide of their society and to resist war. In the second half of this century it has increasingly worked to deepen the understanding of how nonviolent action works and to promote strategies of nonviolent action. At the moment WRI is doing a project on Nonviolence and Social Empowerment. The different parts included in that project are: an e-mail discussion (archived on this website), case studies on various movements, campaigns or groups from the point of view of nonviolence and social empowerment and a study conference in India in February 2001. After that there will be published a book containing the materials used or developed during this project. [link to book here in html or pdf]

The idea of the e-mail discussion on nonviolent social empowerment is to stimulate the international discussion and reflection on this theme and explore and compare different concepts from different circumstances. In some contexts there are processes which can be or are called nonviolent social empowerment, but there may be different understandings of this term.

In other contexts there are processes where there happens what is described in the following as nonviolent social empowerment but it is not called so.

There may be terms in other languages which mean the same. So we would like to find out about all this processes and names. And exchange the experiences that exist with it. You are invited to describe or add your experiences or further ideas on nonviolent social empowerment. The idea of this discussion is to get a complete picture about what aspects can be seen internationally as nonviolent social empowerment.

The email discussion will be held in English and Spanish. The Spanish translation will exist soon. You can also write in French; we will look for translaters. If anybody wants to offer some translation work you are very welcome.

Edited by Julia Kraft

working with Patchwork in Oldenburg, Germany, doing coordination work for the WRI nonviolence and social empowerment project.

Papers on this site

  1. Introduction
  2. Report on the Puri conference (added 30.05.2001) | auf Deutsch | en español | en français | PDF version in all four languages (130k; see PDF help page))
  3. Single papers and case studies
Programmes & Projects

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