Right to Refuse to Kill


Das Programm der War Resisters' International's, Das Recht, das Töten zu verweigern, kombiniert einen weiten Bereich von Aktivitäten zur Unterstützung einzelner Kriegsdienstverweigerer als auch organisierter Gruppen und Bewegungen für Kriegsdienstverweigerung.

Unsere Hauptveröffentlichungen sind CO-Alerts (Alarmnachrichten, die verschickt warden, wann auch immer ein Kriegsdienstverweigerer verfolgt wird) und CO-Updates (ein zweimonatiger Blick auf Entwicklungen hinsichtlich Kriegsdienstverweigerung auf der ganzen Welt).

Wir pflegen den CO-Leitfaden – Ein Leitfaden zum Internationalen Menschenrechtssystem für Kriegsdienstverweigerer, der COs helfen kann, ihre eigenen Regierungen zu konfrontieren und sich vor Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu schützen.

Informationen darüber, wie Nationalstaaten Kriegsdienstverweigerer behandeln, können unter World Survey of Conscientious Objection and recruitment (Weltübersicht zu Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Rekrutierung) gefunden werden.

Weitere Informationen zu dem Programm findet Ihr hier.

Israel will be holding parliamentary elections in November, and we need to make sure our Prime Minister and parliamentary candidates for office understand the occupation needs to end NOW. We will not accept nor participate in human rights violations. We have written the following statement and we need your help to make sure it reaches these Israeli politicians.

An IDF disciplinary body sentenced 18-year-old Israeli conscientious objector Shahar Schwartz to 10 days in military prison on Monday over his refusal to serve in the army. Schwartz, who graduated from high school this year, was jailed after appearing before the IDF’s conscientious objectors committee where he declared his intention to refuse service due to Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians.

Dear conscientious objectors to military service, today we mark our CO day while war is being waged.

As the war with Ukraine began, the notion of refusing military service in Russia has become especially topical. Before the war, most conscripts and their relatives did not associate military service as conscripts with actual warfare. Conscription appeared to be something akin to a sports camp with elements of military training.

IFOR participated in the General Debate which took place at the UN during the 49th session of the Human Rights Council, concerning item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council's attention.

IFOR has delivered a statement concerning forced conscription in Eritrea and related issues such as the violation of the right to conscientious objection, the armed conflict in Ethiopia and the refugees rights for the Eritrean fleeing from the indefinite National Service and looking for protection abroad.

Human Rights Council, 49th session 

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