

Welcome to CO-Update no 6. This issue has a focus on Iraq war resisters - George Solomou from Britain, who announced his refusal to deploy to Iraq publicly on 19 January, and the growing number of US conscientious objectors - an attempt to keep track of those who came out in public. War Resisters' International depends on information from you to keep its records updated, so please send any information you have regarding conscientious objectors to concodoc@wri-irg.org.

We continue our coverage of the situation in Eritrea, taken from the booklet published by Connection e.V. in German, with a moving testimony by Bisrat Habte Micael, who fled from the Eritrean military. We urgently need help with translation of testimonies and other documents on Eritrea from German to English, so please contact the email above if you are able to help.

Andreas Speck


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