Cyprus: Longer alternative service for ‘mentally unfit’ conscripts


In Cyprus, conscripts deemed to be 'mentally unfit' (here we quote the government source, and apologise for the language) will no longer be able to secure a full discharge but will be required to serve in the army for a period one-third longer than the normal stint, under new legislation designed to deter potential 'draft dodgers'.

Defence minister Christoforos Fokaides told Daily Politis that draftees diagnosed with psychological problems would serve out an alternative service, not at military installations but at defence-related services.

Currently, full military service is 24 months. The alternative service under the new law would add another one-third (eight months).

The new law is expected to be submitted by the ministry over the next few weeks. It will also prohibited for anyone – whether doing a normal or alternative stint – to travel abroad or to enrol in a studies programme.

Sources: Cyprus Mail, Longer alternative service for ‘mentally unfit’ conscripts, 28th June 2016

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