War Profiteers


WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair
WRI activists disrupting the welcome dinner at the ADEX arms fair

L'économie est l'une des principales causes de la guerre : partout où il y a un conflit militaire, quelqu'un en tire profit. C'est ce que nous appelons le "profit de guerre".

Le WRI considère le profit de guerre au sens large - nous considérons toutes les entreprises et initiatives qui bénéficient financièrement d'un conflit militaire comme des profiteurs de guerre, dans un sens ou dans l'autre. Cela inclut le commerce des armes et les entreprises qui profitent de la privatisation et de l'externalisation de l'armée, mais aussi celles qui extraient des ressources naturelles dans les zones de conflit, les institutions financières qui investissent dans les entreprises d'armement, et bien d'autres encore.

Le WRI publie une série de profils d'entreprises de guerre et organise des événements pour rassembler les militants et les chercheurs afin qu'ils partagent leurs stratégies de lutte contre le profit de guerre.

Following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arbian embassy in Istanbul on October 2nd, Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany will halt all arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

The Spanish government has decided to go ahead with the delivery of 400 laser guided missiles to Saudi Arabia, worth more than $10m, a few weeks after saying they would cancel the order.

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In the first week of September 2018, the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, spent four days visiting Israel. His trip was an opportunity to meet the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the thousands of Filipinos who live and work in the country… and explore opportunities to buy weapons.

In the United Kingdom, campaigners have been resisting arms fairs being held in their cities. In Glasgow, dozens of activists held noisy protests outside the Undersea Defence Technology exhibition and conference, held at the cities Scottish Events Campus (SEC). In Farnborough and London, activists protested against the Farnborough International Airshow - biannual, week-long event, combining a public air show with an international trade show attended by military delegations from all over the world.

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