Right to Refuse to Kill


El programa de la Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra, El Derecho a Rechazar a Matar, combina un amplio abanico de actividades de apoyo a los objetores de conciencia de manera individual y también en grupos organizados y movimientos de objeción de conciencia y en contra del reclutamiento.

Nuestras principales publicaciones son las Alertas OC (alertas de apoyo que se envían cuando un objetor de conciencia es procesado) y las Informe-OC (un informe bimestral sobre la evolución de la objeción de conciencia en el mundo).

Continuamos también con nuestra Guía OC – Una Guía del Sistema Internacional de Derechos Humanos para Objetores de Conciencia, que puede ayudar a los OC a desafiar a sus propios gobiernos y protegerse de los abusos de derechos humanos.

Se puede encontrar información sobre el trato de los estados nación a los objetores de conciencia en nuestro Estudio Mundial de OC y Reclutamiento.

Hay más información sobre el programa aquí.

In Europe, conscription has mostly disappeared and made place for professional armies with high-tech weaponry. This was caused by a transformation of military strategies and a change in the political objectives of defense policy after the end of the Cold War.

Since the beginning of the year, a crackdown on conscientious objectors (and maybe draft evaders in general) has taken place in Greece. The arrest of 44 year old Nikolaos Karanikas in February, followed by that of 37 year old Haralampos Akrivopoulos in March, and of 30 year old Menelaos Exioglou in April, were the first after many years of relative calm. In this period, COs who were total objectors or refused to accept a punitive alternative service were still prosecuted and sentenced (some times in absentia) - to suspended prison sentences, in military courts - but without arrests.

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riLHRtZ4Biw width:400 height:300]

IFOR representiative Derek Brett gives an introduction to the status of conscientious objection in human rights law.

With thanks to Paul at Fourman Films for this: http://www.youtube.com/user/fourmanfilms

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12N4rvTsCPs width:400 height:300]

Conscientious Objector Joe Glenton and author of Soldier Box, speaking on why he refused to serve in Afghanistan: http://joeglenton.com/

As part of the panel as part of the COnscription exhibition on International Conscientious Objectors Day: http://www.filmpro.net/conscription-panel-discussion

With thanks to Paul at Fourman Films for this: http://www.youtube.com/user/fourmanfilms

Immediately and unconditionally release conscientious objector Natan Blanc from his 10th term in prison!

You can sign the petition here: http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/immediately-and-unconditionally-r…


Petition text:

Right to conscientious objection still not guaranteed in Europe

Amnesty International, marking the International Conscientious Objectors Day, renews its call on all states to recognise the right to conscientious objection to military service. Nearly two years ago the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that states must respect the right to conscientious objection as part of their obligation to respect the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, bringing European law in line with international human rights standards.

Israeli conscientious objector Natan Blanc is how in prison for the ninth time. At the end of this spell, he will have been in prison for more than 150 days altogether.

After his seventh prison sentence, Natan appeared in front of the “Incompatibility Committee” - at his request. However, on February 24th they ruled that he could not be released from military service, and was once again scheduled to return to the Induction Centre, and hence faced another imprisonment.

Regression in Greece

Placheolder image

Over the past months, there has been a dramatic upswing in the persecution of conscientious objectors in Greece. All of those listed below have already been tried or imprisoned, some over twenty years ago, and they now face further legal action against them.

These cases include

WRI are jointly coordinating an international Day of Action For Military-Free Education and Research on 14 June 2013 - part of our Countering the Militarisation of Youth work. The day will be based on a recent German week of action, with 100+ groups and actions in 8+ cities. Education centres were leafleted with info highlighting dangers of joining the military, accompanied sometimes with fake blood, a coffin, and chocolate 'medicine' (to protect students against military propaganda).

The Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights has published a guide to applicable international standards and jurisprudence relating to conscientious objection to military service.

It is designed as a guide for 'State officials who are responsible for implementing laws, administrative decrees or regulations relating to conscientious objection to military service, as well as Members of Parliament and Government officials who may be involved in drafting laws or administrative decrees or regulations on this subject.'

Lazaros Petromelidis represented War Resisters' International at the trial of Nikos Karanikas. Here is his report of the day:

Nikos Karanikas is a very active and well known person. Many people came to attend his trial on 8 March, something that always presses the members of the court. It is maybe the first time that the president of the court allowed all the witnesses (10) to testify in Nikos' defence: normally, the courts do not accept more than 4-5.

Nikos' witnesses were:

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