War Profiteers


Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX
Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX

La economía es una de las causas claves de la guerra – en cualquier parte donde haya un conflicto militar, alguien estará sacando provecho. Llamamos a esto “especulación de la guerra”.

La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (IRG) entiende la especulación de la guerra en un sentido amplio – en cierto sentido, consideramos, a todas las empresas e iniciativas que se benefician económicamente del conflicto militar como especuladores de la guerra. Esto incluye el comercio de armas y las empresas que aprovechan la privatización y la subcontratación de servicios militares, pero también las que obtienen recursos naturales en las zonas de conflicto, instituciones financieras que invierten en empresas armamentísticas y muchas otras.

La IRG publica una serie de perfiles de empresas bélicas y organiza actos para reunir a activistas e investigadores con el fin de compartir estrategias contra la especulación bélica.

War profiteers are not only those that benefit from the arms industry, but also those that impulse military action and elaborate strategies to profit from war. Among war profiteers we can include:

Large private corporations

Here we refer to the transnational and multinational corporations that need control over our natural resources and our national territories in order to support their hegemonic project and so that relations of economic and political solidarity cannot be improved (which would permit true development of Latin American countries).

War profiteers depend mainly on government contracts. Imagine what Lockheed Martin would be without their Pentagon contracts! At the same time governments need an excuse for spending such huge sums of money e.g. "war against terror", "national security", "peace forces", etc. Since war profiteers depend on government contracts they need to be in the position to influence them. Through the years they have positioned themselves to have an immense political power within governments, and they enjoy privileged access to decision-makers that the general public can only dream of.


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This issue of The Broken Rifle focuses on war profiteers. During War Resisters' International Conference "Globalising Nonviolence" that took place in Eringerfeld Germany between the 23-27 of July 2006, we had a theme group who worked on war profiteers. This theme group was an essential step in the develop of WRI's Global Initiative Against War Profiteers. Most of the material you will find in this issue comes from the work of that week.

During the last week of July War Resisters' International celebrated our International Conference "Globalising Nonviolence" with more than 200 participants from all continents and more than 30 countries.

The stated aims of the conference were:

making nonviolence more central in the global movement of resistance to war and economic domination

adapting nonviolent analysis and strategy to the threats we face today, and

consolidating and reviving our antimilitarist, nonviolent, global network.

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The world's #1 military contractor, responsible for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes, F-16, F/A-22 fighter jet, and Javelin missiles. They've also made millions through insider trading, falsifying accounts, and bribing officials.

The Pentagon has taken an important first step by canceling the contract for Halliburton 's military logistics contract in Iraq and putting it up for open bid. Halliburton has only itself to blame for shoddy management, over-charging and thumbing its nose at military investigators.


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We are happy to present our 2nd edition of War Profiteers' News.

In this edition, we highlight the cancellation of Halliburton's exclusive Iraq deal. At the same time we present what is happening in Cabinda where WRI affiliate Union Pacifiste from France is supporting a local campaign for the respect of human rights in Cabinda and against the pollution of the mouth of the Congo River. In this issue, we also inform about Caterpillar's shareholders meeting in Chicago, where the issue of the use of their equipment for demolishing Palestinians homes was again raised.

Globalising Nonviolence

WRI International Conference, 23-27 July 2006, Germany

Are you interested in both nonviolence and globalisation?

Are you campaigning against war?

Are you involved in nonviolent direct action or curious to learn more?

The War Resisters' International conference Globalising Nonviolence will be a great opportunity to meet activists from all over the world, to get to know what makes them tick, and to see how you can help each make another

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