Support Turkish conscientious objectors


Interview with Mehmet Tarhan for the Spanish newspaper Diagonal, January 2006

As you know, it took a long time for your questions to reach me. It took me quite some time to pick up the pen and answer your questions too. For unpleasant things happened. And I was afraid my answers would be unlike me when my thoughts and emotions were in such turmoil.

Turkish conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan was battered as his hair was violently cut by military prison authorities in Sivas. In response, Mehmet started an indefinite hunger strike, demanding an examination by civilian doctors, a report from a forensic medical facility documenting the torture and legal action against the perpetrators. On 30 September, at about 3pm, Mehmet Tarhan was told by non-commissioned military prison officer Hilmi Savluk, who was accompanied by 3-4 guards, that they were to cut Mehmet's hair.

War Resisters' International submitted the case of gay Turkish conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, sentenced on 10 August to four years imprisonment on two charges of insubordination, to the United Nations' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Tarhan, who had been arrested in Izmir on 8 April, declared his conscientious objection on 27 October 2001. After his arrest, he was transferred to a military unit in Tokat, where he was given a military order, which he refused. He was charged with insubordination, and imprisoned in the Military Prison in Sivas.

The council meeting of War Resisters' International in Seoul, Korea 30 June - 2 July 2005 demands the immediate release of conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan and the full recognition of his right to consceintious objection. Mehmet Tarhan is a well known activist on issues of antimilitarism and gay rights in Turkey. He was arrested on April 8th, 2005, on the grounds he was a "roll call deserter".

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