Imprisonment of conscientious objector Uri Natan

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Dear Mr Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence

I am very concerned about the imprisonment of conscientious objector Uri Natan.
Uri Natan refuses to enlist in the Israeli Army based on beliefs and conscience. In a letter to you, explaining his refusal, he wrote: ?I have lived in Israel all of my life, for 18 years. Throughout these years I have been witnessing endless suffering around me, I have been seeing revenge leading to revenge and more revenge. Nothing has helped me understand the explanations and excuses that I have heard as to why the violence perpetrated by the Israeli side is to be preferred over that coming from the Palestinian side. The use of violence, killings, and intended harm and humiliation cannot be justified, I believe, and I cannot understand why it is presented as necessary. I cannot see any advantage in the intimidation of an entire population ? all I can see is suffering heaped upon even more suffering ? revenge causing revenge causing more revenge....?
Since 28 September 2005, he has spent more than 135 days in military prison, sentenced several times - the present sentence is his eighth prison term.
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in opinion 24/2003 on Israel came to the conclusion that the repeated imprisonment of conscientious objectors in Israel is arbitrary, and therefore it constitutes a violation of 14 par 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Israel is a signatory.
Uri Natan claims his human right to conscientious objection, as guaranteed by Article 18 of the ICCPR.
I therefore urge you to immediately release Uri Natan and all imprisoned conscientious objectors. I urge you to respect human rights.