Turkey: Stop the cycle of violence

Turkey campaign logo

Au printemps 2016, l'Internationale des résistant.e.s à la guerre a lancé une nouvelle campagne centrée sur le cycle de la violence en Turquie. Initiée à la demande de militant.e.s de l'IRG en Turquie, la campagne s'est composée de :

- deux délégations dans le sud-est de la Turquie et à Istambul, 

- d'un rapport et d'un compte-rendu de recherche sur la situation dans le pays,

-d'une pétition adressée à l'Union européenne pour qu'elle ne laisse pas de côté la situation en Turquie et appelant à agir contre l'escalade de la violence dans le pays,

- d'un voyage de défenseurs et défenseuses des Droits de l'homme venu.e.s de Turquie plaider en Europe la cause des droits humains,

- ainsi qu'un certains nombre de visites d'observation à l'occasion des procès à l'encontre des défenseurs et défenseuses des Droits de l'homme dans le pays.

Plus récemment, nous avons travaillé à l'organisation d'une formation à l'action nonviolente avec la participation de militant.e.s de la paix et des Droits de l'homme du pays.

Pour soutenir notre action pour la Turquie, vous pouvez faire un don ici. Et pour toute demande d'information, vous pouvez nous contacter via info@wri-irg.org

In Spring 2016 War Resisters' International launched a new campaign focusing on the escalating cycle of violence in Turkey. As part of this campaign, initiated in response to demands from WRI activists in Turkey, we have also launched a petition addressing the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the European Union. The appeal was calling on the EU not to lose sight of the situation in Turkey, and to take action on the escalating violence in the country.

In Spring 2016 War Resisters' International launched a new campaign focusing on the escalating cycle of violence in Turkey. As part of this campaign, initiated in response to demands from WRI activists in Turkey, we have launched a petition addressing the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, on behalf of the European Union. The appeal was calling on the EU not to lose sight of the situation in Turkey, and to take action on the escalating violence in the country.

Download this report as a pdf

War Resisters‘ International (WRI), in collaboration with Connection e.V. in Germany and nonviolent activists and WRI members from Turkey sent a delegation to the Southeast of Turkey between 26-29 April. A report from the delegation's visit, which included activists from Austria, Germany, Spain and Sweden, is now available online. 

An international delegation organised by War Resisters' International visited South East Turkey between 25-30 April. The group, including activists from Austria, Germany, Spain and Sweden, visited Diyarbakir, Cizre and surrounding towns affected by the curfews and armed conflict that have been ongoing since August 2015. During their visit, the delegation met officials, peace and human rights activists in the region.
International delegation went to Diyarbakır and Cizre

“Europe has failed us”, is the bitter statement often heard in South East Turkey currently. “We thought that Europe stood for human rights and peace, but unlike when there was war in Turkey in the 1990s, nowadays nobody cares what is happening to us”. An international delegation has visited South East Turkey. The group – organised by international pacifist network War Resisters' International - concluded that the violent conflict between Turkey and the Kurdish PKK has caused enormous suffering and traumatisation among the civilian population of the Kurdish regions of Turkey. According to reports, since August 2015 at least 338 civilians and an unknown number of combatants have died, and more than 400,000 civilians had to flee their homes. According to the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, about 100,000 of these people have no houses to go back to since their residences were totally destroyed.

Today, a delegation organised by War Resisters' International arrived in Turkey. The group will be visiting Diyarbakir, and towns affected by the curfews and armed conflict that have been ongoing since August 2015. WRI activists, including the Chair Christine Schweitzer, will have meetings with human rights groups, peace activists, and officials in the region.

Since August 2015 the conflict between the Turkish government and Kurdish groups in the Kurdish regions of the country has been escalated into a new spiral of violence, with hundreds of deaths on both sides and a deteriorating humanitarian crisis, accompanied by grave violations of human rights from arbitrary imprisonment to extra-judicial killings.

International peace organisations, including War Resisters' International, are appealing to the European Union to not lose sight of the situation in Turkey. The renewed war in south-east Turkey is taking place largely away from the attention of the international public: instead terrorist attacks, the war in Syria, and the refugee issue dominate the agenda. But in the face of violence and human rights violations in the war between the Turkish government and PKK regions, we demand that European politicians no longer look away. For that purpose, we have created a petition directed at the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Mrs Federica Mogherini. Join us in our appeal here.


S'abonner à Turkey: Stop the cycle of violence