War Profiteers


Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX
Activistas de la IRG interrumpen la cena de bienvenida en la feria de armas ADEX

La economía es una de las causas claves de la guerra – en cualquier parte donde haya un conflicto militar, alguien estará sacando provecho. Llamamos a esto “especulación de la guerra”.

La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (IRG) entiende la especulación de la guerra en un sentido amplio – en cierto sentido, consideramos, a todas las empresas e iniciativas que se benefician económicamente del conflicto militar como especuladores de la guerra. Esto incluye el comercio de armas y las empresas que aprovechan la privatización y la subcontratación de servicios militares, pero también las que obtienen recursos naturales en las zonas de conflicto, instituciones financieras que invierten en empresas armamentísticas y muchas otras.

La IRG publica una serie de perfiles de empresas bélicas y organiza actos para reunir a activistas e investigadores con el fin de compartir estrategias contra la especulación bélica.

All over the world, police officers are looking more and more like soldiers. To help us understand this militarisation, War Resisters' International has developed a new web resource. We've researched how police forces are being militarised, drawn together the various trends we can see taking place, and illustrated all of this as a new online map. You can explore the resource here: www.wri-irg.org/police

In December 2017, the Colombian government hosted the ExpoDefensa arms fair in Bogota. Nearly 300 exhibitors from 35 countries took part in the fair, with over 12,000 visitors attending, including 76 official delegations.

In Canada, eleven indigenous Guatemalan women are in the process of taking a multinational mining company to court. The women allege that in 2007, police officers, soldiers, and private security personnel attacked their village of Lote Ocho, in eastern Guatemala, and burned dozens of homes in a bid to drive the community from their ancestral land.

Aimpoint is a Swedish company, manufacturing red-dot magnifying optic sights for a wide range of military, law enforcement, and commercial hunting weapons. Aimpoint was formed in 1974 and is based in Malmo, Sweden. Militaries all over the world, including the US military and NATO member countries use the company’s sights, and they are available from suppliers on every continent.

Who arms Myanmar?

Since 25th August, over half a million members of Myanmar's Rohyinga community have been driven out from the north Rakhine state, with security forces torching homes, crops and villages in so called “clearance operations” the UN high commissioner for Human Rights has described as “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”

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