War Resisters' International Council meeting 2011


The War Resisters' International Council meeting will take place in Lulea in the north of Sweden from 19-21 July 2011.

Beginning will be after lunch. It is possible to arrive on the night train from Stockholm, leaving Stockholm the evening before.

This is a draft agenda, listing the agenda items. They have not yet been scheduled, so the order might change.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

14.00: 1.    Welcome by ofog and WRI

14:30: 2. Approval of minutes
2.1    Minutes of Council meeting in Ahmedabad, January 2010
2.2    Minutes of E-Council, October 2010

15:00: 3. Report of elected Council members and WRI affiliates
All individually elected Council members and all representatives of WRI affiliates are requested to send in a report on their activities since India (January 2010). Representatives of affiliates (sections and associated organisations) should report on the work of their respective organisation, with a special emphasis on how the work related to WRI. It would be good to highlight some achievements and/or challenges you face.
We ask everyone coming to Luleå to bring some interesting posters, photos, fliers or other material to put up on an A2 poster, to present the work of your organisation.

15:45-16:15 BREAK

16:15 4. WRI Office and Executive report
Howard and Dominique will present the report of the WRI office and Executive. There will be time for discussion and interaction.

5. Agenda review

17:30 6. Office matters

18:00 End of the day

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

09:00 7. War Resisters' International programme work
     7.1 Nonviolence Programme
The discussion is likely to focus on nonviolence training, and on how to build/strengthen regional training capacities.
The focus of the discussion will be on Nonviolence Training. After an introduction by Javier, participants will split into regional groups to discuss training needs and strategies.

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00 7.2 Right to Refuse to Kill Programme
The discussion will focus on the development of counter-recruitment work within WRI.

12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00: 8. Small groups on different regional topics:
Latin America
NATO (with a focus on the NATO summit 2012 in Chicago, USA)

15:30-16:00 BREAK

16:00 9. Council matters
9.1    Functioning of Council
         There will be some discussion on the role and functioning of the Council.

16:45 9.2    Evaluation of E-Council
After two E-Council's (2009 and 2010), there is some need to evaluate the process.

17:15 9.3    Council 2012
The WRI office received an invitation from Red Juvenil de Medellin to host the Council and seminar in Medellin in 2012.

18:00 END of the day

Thursday, 21 July 2011

09:00 10. International Conference, South Africa, October 2013
After the International Conference in India WRI received an invitation from Ceasefire to host the next WRI conference, and to work jointly on preparing it. WRI is making a special effort to bring representatives of several of its African affiliates to Luleå, so that there can be a more concrete discussion on how to strengthen WRI in Africa in the run-up to the next international conference.

11:45 11. Affiliation process and consolidation of affiliations
Debate on the process for confirming the commitment of existing affiliates to the network
Discussion on new affiliates (no applications received so far)
Outstanding issues from E-Council

12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00 12. New chair election process
The new constitution approved by postal ballot prior to the international conference in Ahmedabad in January 2010 states that:
"3 d. The Chairperson shall be decided by consensus in an electronic consultation of the Sections and Associate Organisations, in advance of the Conference and in accordance with the Rules."
The Rules state: "1 (...) The Secretariat shall send the nominations for Chairperson and the invitation for an electronic consultation to the Sections and Associate Organisations promptly after the deadline. The consultation shall be finished not later than four months before the first day of the Conference. (...)"

Howard Clark, WRI's present chair, will not stand again in 2013. This means not only will WRI need to look for a new chair, we also need to discuss the procedure, as this is a new procedure, and reaching a consensus on a person might take some time.

14:45 13. Budget and finances

15:15 14. Evaluation

16:00 END of the WRI Council meeting

16:00-18:00 Time for Working Groups: Queer Working Group, Women's Working Group, and any other that want to meet

Please register for the seminar (and WRI Council meeting) at http://wri-irg.org/node/13105

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