Imprisonment of conscientious objector Shaul Mograbi-Berger

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Use this form to send the letter below to the relevant authority (Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence, Israel). You can add your own notes in a separate box after the standard text, if you wish. You must include a name, address, and email address; a copy will be sent to you with a cc to the WRI office (so we have a record of how many email letters have been sent out for this particular case).

Dear Mr Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence

I am very concerned about the imprisonment of conscientious objector Shaul Mograbi-Berger.
He is presently serving his fifth prison term, and is likely to be reimprisoned again soon.
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in opinion 24/2003 on Israel came to the conclusion that the repeated imprisonment of conscientious objectors in Israel is arbitrary, and therefore it constitutes a violation of 14 par 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Israel is a signatory.
In addition, Israel does not recognise the human right to conscientious objection, contrary to article 18 of the ICCPR.
I therefore urge you to immediately release all imprisoned conscientious objectors. I urge you to respect human rights.