Imprisonment of Israeli conscientious objector Itay Riv, Mil ID 5152275

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Dear Mr Shaul Mofaz, Minister of Defence
I learned today about the imprisonment of Itay Riv, who refuses his reserve duties for reaons of conscience, as do many others. All of them are imprisoned because they refuse to bear arms, because they insist on their right to conscientious objection, as enshrined in Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Their imprisonment is a violation of human rights.The United Nations views selective refusal as conscientious objection, and recognised the right to selective refusal even earlier than pacifist conscientious objection. The UN General Assembly recognised this right in the case of South Africa in its resolution 33/165 of 20 December 1978. It has to be applied to Israel too.I therefore urge you to immediately release all imprisoned conscientious objectors. I urge you to respect human rights.